Continuing Education » SPRED · Special Religious Development

SPRED · Special Religious Development

Special Religious Development (SPRED) is a very active ministry which provides spiritual guidance and encouragement to the developmentally challenged teens and adults of our parish. Through bi-weekly meetings they are able to learn about their faith, socialize and feel an integral part of the parish. Once each month SPRED members serve at mass, allowing them to contribute to the parish community.

Each year, the SPRED program focuses on a different spiritual theme and in 2016 the team is answering Pope Francis' invitation to perform works of mercy. They have made care packages for children who are in long-term hospital care; their similar project last year was a big hit and they're very grateful for parishioner donations of items for the packages.

Our Knights of Columbus council supports SPRED through their annual Tootsie Roll sale in October. Your purchase of Tootsie Rolls—cash donations accepted, too!—provides funding for SPRED's activities through out the upcoming year and is greatly appreciated.

Our parish is committed to providing a safe environment for all members and we include the members of SPRED in our policies and practices regarding the Protection of Children and Youth. To join or volunteer for SPRED, please contact Ann Kelly (773.631.4127) through the parish office.