Seating for Confirmation

Each child will have a pew for his/her family for Confirmation on May 3rd. The pew will comfortably seat 5 or 6 people. Your child and his/her sponsor will obviously be in that pew and whoever else you want. There will be additional seating available in other areas of the church if you need more than the one pew. Your family pew will be labeled with the family name and your child will know where his/her pew is. The Confirmation candidates will meet with the bishop in the gym at 6:30. This meeting is only for the kids--families and sponsors can proceed to the church. Your child will meet you in the pew after the meeting with the bishop--probably about 6:50. There are a few pews that were "bought" at the Gala in November. All other seating will be determined by lottery. Your child will know where your family pew is located. There also will be someone in church with a diagram of the seating---I will be with the kids in the gym but there will be someone in the church who can direct you if needed. The pews will be labeled with your family name.
Thank you.