Mrs. Jackie McKermitt » Mrs. McKermitt's Second Grade/Room 31

Mrs. McKermitt's Second Grade/Room 31

Welcome to Room 31!  Second grade is such an exciting grade to teach.  The chidren are anxious to make their First Holy Communion and they are becoming much more independent.  I look forward to a new year with new friends and can't wait to get back into a classroom routine.



Thursday's Homework and Reminders (3-6-25)

Spelling - Backpack 30 and study for tomorrow’s test.

Math - Flashcards and  Review Telling Time (Test will be next week.)

Communion -  Chapter 1’s project is to find pictures from magazines, newspapers, the computer, etc. to show followers of Jesus.  Please write, Followers of Jesus, neatly at the top. I suggest writing everything in pencil first to make sure everything is spelled correctly, and then trace in marker. Please write your name on the front bottom right corner. Chapter 1’s project will be due by next Wed. March 12th or you may bring in before then. Projects will be shared with the class and displayed in the hallway. Please take your time with all projects, spelling words correctly and writing neatly. These projects will be your grade for the next 6 weeks. 

Tomorrow - Report Cards, wear your T.E.A.M. shirt and you can bring in a stuffed animal and book to read during Silent Reading. 

*Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday's Homework and Reminders (3-5-25)

Spelling - Backpack Page 29 and continue to study for Friday’s test.

Math - Flashcards and 123+124.  We will have a math test next week on Telling Time.  Please study the vocabulary words that went home on Monday and in our workbook pages.  Please practice telling time on analog and digital clocks.  

iReady - 15 minutes of Reading and 15 minutes of Math by Sunday evening please.

Communion -  We will be starting our Communion book this week. Starting today, there will be a project coming home every Wednesday and due by the following Wednesday. There will be 6 projects in total. There will be a directions page attached to every paper. Chapter 1’s project is to find pictures from magazines, newspapers, the computer, etc. to show followers of Jesus.  Please write, Followers of Jesus, neatly at the top. I suggest writing everything in pencil first to make sure everything is spelled correctly, and then trace in marker. Please write your name on the front bottom right corner. Chapter 1’s project will be due by next Wed. March 12th or you may bring in before then. Projects will be shared with the class and displayed in the hallway. Please take your time with all projects, spelling words correctly and writing neatly. These projects will be your grade for the next 6 weeks. We are taking a break from the red Religion book until after Communion.

*Tomorrow - 2:00 Dismissal. Yearbook pictures will be taken today. If you are in Girls/Boy Scouts, you can wear the shirt for it. Students can come in Spirit Wear. If there are any parents that went to Saint Juliana, please let me know so your child can be in the alumni photo. 

*Friday - Wear your T.E.A.M. shirt

               Report Cards will be sent home (Keep what is inside and sign/return envelope)

               You can bring in a stuffed animal and book of your choice. 

*From the P.E. Teacher: Next week is Tech Week and the gym cannot be used for PE classes. The students will walk to Brooks Park and have PE classes there. Please remind your sons/daughters that all school rules should be followed while walking to and from the park as well as while they are at the park. Students should stay on the sidewalk. Please check the weather and have your sons/daughters wear coats, hats, and gloves, if necessary.

*March 12th - Communion fees/paperwork and Communion Banners are due.

*Have a great day!

Tuesday's Homework and Reminders (3-4-25)

Spelling - Backpack Page 27

Math - Flashcards and 121+122

Religion - The Chapter 9 test is tomorrow.  Study the Faith Words, highlighted parts, Chapter Review, and you will be asked to write one way you can take care of God’s creation. Take the pretest at, Bring your book back tomorrow.

Tomorrow - Ash Wednesday Mass at 8:30

*Thursday - 2:00 Dismissal. Yearbook pictures will be taken today. If you are in any clubs (Girls Scouts, Boy Scouts, etc…) you can wear the uniform/shirt for it. Students can come in Spirit Wear. If there are any parents that went to Saint Juliana, please let me know so your child can be in the alumni photo. 

*Friday - Wear your T.E.A.M. shirt, Report Cards will be sent home (sign/return the envelope), and you can bring in a stuffed animal and book of your choice. We will celebrate Read Across America Week during Silent Reading Time. 

*From the P.E. Teacher: Next week is Tech Week and the gym cannot be used for PE classes. The students will walk to Brooks Park and have PE classes there. Please remind your sons/daughters that all school rules should be followed while walking to and from the park as well as while they are at the park. Students should stay on the sidewalk. Please check the weather and have your sons/daughters wear coats, hats, and gloves, if necessary.

*March 12th - Communion fees/paperwork and Communion Banners are due.

*Have a great day!

Monday's Homework and Reminders (3-3-25)

Spelling - Backpack Page 27


Math - Flashcards and the Time Word Cards are coming home. Cut these up and review. Also, complete pages 119+120.


Religion - The Chapter 9 Religion test is on Wednesday. Study the Faith Words, highlighted parts, Chapter Review, and you will be asked to write one way you can take care of God’s creation. Take the pretest at, Bring your book back on Wednesday.


Wednesday - Ash Wednesday Mass at 8:30


*Thursday - 2:00 Dismissal. Yearbook pictures will be taken today. If you are in any clubs (Girls Scouts, Boy Scouts, etc…) you can wear the uniform/shirt for it. Students can come in Spirit Wear.


*Friday - Wear your T.E.A.M. shirt, Report Cards will be sent home (sign/return the envelope), and you can bring in a stuffed animal and book of your choice. We will celebrate Read Across America Week during Silent Reading Time. 


*From the P.E. Teacher: Next week is Tech Week and the gym cannot be used for PE classes. The students will walk to Brooks Park and have PE classes there. Please remind your sons/daughters that all school rules should be followed while walking to and from the park as well as while they are at the park. Students should stay on the sidewalk. Please check the weather and have your sons/daughters wear coats, hats, and gloves, if necessary.


*March 12th - Communion fees/paperwork and Communion Banners are due.


*Have a great day!

Thursday's Homework and Reminders (2-27-25)

Spelling - Backpack Page 26 and study for tomorrow’s test.

Religion - The Religion book went home yestesrday. Study the highlighted parts, the review pages and (Chapter 9) Test is March 5th.


Math - Flashcards and study the review pages coming home for the test on Money tomorrow. Practice counting various combinations of coins. Make up some subraction problems/stories using money.

*Tomorrow - Last day of trimester (6 or more AR points), Spirit Wear, and Mothers’ Club Hot Lunch (Cesar’s).

*Have a great day! 

Wednesday's Homework and Reminders (2-26-25)

Spelling - Backpack Page 25 and continue to study for Friday’s test.


Math - Flashcards and study the red pages on Money coming home. These problems are similar to the test that will be on Friday.


Religion - The book is coming home today to start studying for the Chapter 9 test that will be next Wednesday, March 5th. Review the highlighted stories, Faith Words, Chapter Review, and take the pretest. You will be asked to write in a complete sentence, one way you can take care of God’s creation.


*iReady - 15 minutes of Reading and 15 minutes of Math by Sunday evening please.


Friday - Last day of 2nd trimester(6 or more AR points), Spirit Wear, and Mothers’ Club Hot Lunch (Cesar’s).


*Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday's Homework and Reminders (2-25-25)

Reading - Reread Backpack page 24 aloud a few times to practice fluency.

Math - Flashcards and pages 115+116. Math Test on Money will be on Friday. Practice recongizing and counting money (change and dollars).

*iReady - 15 minutes of Reading and 15 minutes of Math by Sunday evening please.

Friday - Last day of 2nd trimester(6 or more AR points and 85% or higher), Spirit Wear, and Mothers’ Club Hot Lunch (Cesar’s).

*Enjoy the nice day!

Monday's Homework and Reminders (2-24-25)

Spelling - Backpack Page 23

Math - Flashcards and pages 113+114. We will be reviewing later on this week for the Money Assessment on Friday. 

*Friday - End of Trimester (6 or more AR points), Mothers’ Club Hot Lunch (Cesar’s), and Spirit Wear (last day of February).

*Have a great day! 

Thursday's Homework and Reminders (2-20-95)

Spelling - Backpack Page 21 and study for tomorrow’s test.

Math - Flashcards and pages 111+112.

iReady - 15 minutes of Reading and 15 minutes of Math by Sunday evening please.

*Have a great day!

Wednesday's Homework and Reminders (2-19-25)

Spelling - Backpack Page 20 and continue to study for Friday’s test.

Math - Flashcards and pages 109+110.

*Have a great day!

Tuesday's Homework and Reminders (2-18-25)

Reading - Reread Backpack Page 19 aloud a few times. The words went home on Friday for the Spelling test.

Math - Flashcards. The Home-School Connection letter and My Word Cards for Topic 8 (Money and Time) are going home. Money and Time will be two different assessments. 

*iReady - 15 minutes of Reading and 15 minutes of Math by Sunday evening please.

*Thank you to our wonderful Room Moms and helpers for a fun-filled party on Friday!

*Stay warm!

Thursday's Homework and Reminders (2-13-25)

No Homework! I will see you this evening. Please bring your candle. We are sitting in the side aisle, on the right side facing the altar.

*Backpack Page 18 will go home tomorrow for next Friday’s, 2/21, test.

Wednesday's Homework and Reminders (2-12-25)

Spelling - Backpack Page 14 and study for tomorrow’s test.


Math - Flashcards and study the review pages for the test tomorrow. Please practice math facts everyday so you can improve your timed test scores. Here is a clip from a previious email I sent a while back. It has two links to print out timed tests.

You can practice taking timed math tests at home.  Here is a link to a website that gives you different worksheets to practice with. They look very similar to the ones we take in class.  I like this site because you can print out different versions of a worksheet.  If you are noticing that your child struggles with certain numbers, you can choose one of those worksheets to target those areas.  (ex. maybe your child is struggling with the 9's There are worksheets that only have math problems with the number 9.  9+1= ___, 3+9=___, 9+6= ___, etc.)  When you put your cursor on the worksheet, a black highlighted "Select a Worksheet" will pop up at the bottom.  That will mix up those same math problems on that page.  Scroll further down and there is a "Mixed" worksheet to focus on all numbers.  


*Tomorrow - 2:00 dismissal and Reconciliation at 6:30. Please bring your candle. The Act of Contrition will be recited as a whole congregation. Please practice what you are saying to the priest, “Bless Me Father for I have sinned”...


*Friday- Out of uniform in Valentine colors.




Tuesday's Homework and Reminders (2-11-25)

Spelling - Backpack Page 16 and continue to study for Thursday’s Spelling test.

Math - Flashcards and study the review pages coming home for the test on Thursday. Continue to study yesterday’s red pages, as they are really similar to the test.

*The purple Reconciliation book is coming home. Keep the book.

*iReady - 15 minutes of Reading and 15 minutes of Math by Sunday evening please.

*Thursday - 2:00 Dismissal.  Reconciliation is at 6:30. Please bring your candle with you. You will place it on the Communion rail when you arrive. Paperwork/fees/banners are due by March 12th. 

*Friday - Out of uniform for Valentine’s Day. Thank you to our room moms for hosting our classroom party! We have 18 students in the class if you are bringing in treats.

*Have a great day!

Monday's Homework and Reminders (2-10-25)

Reading - Backpack Page 15 and continue to study for Thursday’s Spelling test.

Math - Flashcards and study the RED pages going home. These pages are very similar to Thursday’s Topic 6’s test.

*iReady - 15 minutes of Reading and 15 minutes of Math by Sunday evening please.

* Tuesday - 2/11/25 Room 31 Earned a Stuffie Day!  They can bring one stuffed friend to sit with them in class.  

*Thursday - 2:00 Dismissal.  Reconciliation at 6:30. Please bring your candle with you. You will place it on the Communion rail when you arrive. Paperwork/fees/banners are due by March 12th. 

*Friday - Out of uniform for Valentine’s Day. Thank you to our room moms for hosting our classroom party!

*Have a great day!