Thursday's Homework and Reminders (1-26-23)

Spelling - Backpack Pages3 and 4 and study for tomorrow’s test.

Math - Flashcards and pages 67+68. When timed-tests go home, please correct/sign/return if 84% or lower. You will get them back. 

Religion - The book will be coming home tomorrow to start studying for the Chapter 8 test that will be on Wednesday, Feb. 1st. You will be asked to write two ways you can show you are sorry for sin.

*Tomorrow is Mothers’ Club Hot Lunch (McDonalds) and we are going to preview the book fair.

*If you are able to come to Open House, wear your uniform and come see me for an Out of Uniform pass!

*Monday - Pajama Day

*Please click here for the CSW Schedule to see what our students will be doing!

*Scholastic book fair wish lists are coming home tomorrow.  We will shop as a class next week Tuesday 1/31/23.  You can also shop as a family Sunday, 1/29/23 after mass or feel free to stop by at pickup.  Books can be purchased via eWallet, cash, Apply Pay or check made out to St. Juliana.  Don’t forget to include 10% TAX!  Encourage your children to buy at least one book before trinkets.  The volunteers will also try their best to assist!

More details can be found here:

Book Fair Homepage (


*Have a great day!