Wednesday's Homework and Reminders (9-21-22)

Spelling - Backpack Page 13 and study for tomorrow’s test.

Math - Flashcards

Math fluency tests went home today. Please sign and return.


Religion - The book will be going home tomorrow to start studying for the Chapter 2 test that will be on Wednesday, the 28th. Please bring your book back on Wednesday. Study the highlighted parts, Faith Words, Chapter Review, and take the pretest at  You will be asked to write one way you can bring the light of Christ to others. 

The Chapter 1 Religion Tests went home already, please sign and return.


*The STAR test (reading comprehension) will be coming home tomorrow. Please remember that this is one diagnostic tool that is assessed every trimester. You may keep these. They are also helpful to use as a reference to help your child pick out a book to read at his/her reading level.  Please make sure your child is reading at home and choosing a book that is at their suggested reading level based on the STAR Reading Test.  Also, encourage your child to take their time reading, and reread the book if necessary.

*Don't forget to save pop-tops from the cans.  Every gallon sized bag we turn in will get our classroom an out of uniform day.

*Communion is at 11am for both school and CCD on April 29th.

*Have a wonderful day!