Mrs. Jackie McKermitt » Mrs. McKermitt's Second Grade/Room 31

Mrs. McKermitt's Second Grade/Room 31

Welcome to Room 31!  Second grade is such an exciting grade to teach.  The chidren are anxious to make their First Holy Communion and they are becoming much more independent.  I look forward to a new year with new friends and can't wait to get back into a classroom routine.



Tuesday's Homework and Reminders (4-16-24)

Reading - Read aloud Backpack Page 45 a few times.

Math - Flashcards and pages 137+138.

iReady - Complete 15 minutes of Reading and 15 minutes of Math by Sunday evening please.

Thursday - Pop Top Spirit Wear Day (room 31)

*St. Juliana’s School Service Project for Timothy’s Ministry is going on this week.  A note went home last week with information.  The following are ideas of items to donate, or cash donations are also appreciated.  Thank you for your generosity!

McDonald's gift cards ($5-$10)

Socks (adult men and women)

Gently used backpacks (not children's)

Rain ponchos

Small toiletries (travel size)

Coffee cups with lids (Costco)

Paper plates (big and little)

Plastic silverware


Coffee (ground)

Powdered creamer


Swiss Miss hot chocolate packets

Tea bags

Single serve snacks (chips, crackers, cookies etc)

Granola bars

Single serve fruit cups 

Cereal cups (individual)

Microwaveable individual meals (non perishable - such as stew, soup, mac and cheese)

Cases of water

*Have a great day!

Monday's Homework and Reminders (4-15-24)

Spelling - Backpack Page 44 and study for Friday’s test.

Math - Flashcards and pages 131+132

*Thursdays will be Spirit Wear until the end of the school year.

*St. Juliana’s School Service Project for Timothy’s Ministry is going on this week.  A note went home last week with information.  The following are ideas of items to donate, or cash donations are also appreciated.  Thank you for your generosity!

McDonald's gift cards ($5-$10)

Socks (adult men and women)

Gently used backpacks (not children's)

Rain ponchos

Small toiletries (travel size)

Coffee cups with lids (Costco)

Paper plates (big and little)

Plastic silverware


Coffee (ground)

Powdered creamer


Swiss Miss hot chocolate packets

Tea bags

Single serve snacks (chips, crackers, cookies etc)

Granola bars

Single serve fruit cups 

Cereal cups (individual)

Microwaveable individual meals (non perishable - such as stew, soup, mac and cheese)

Cases of water

Enjoy the beautiful day!

Thursday's Homework and Reminders (4-11-24)

Spelling - Backpack Page 43 and study for tomorrow’s test.

Math - Flashcards and pages 129+130.

iReady - 15 minutes of Reading and 15 minutes of Math by Sunday evening please.

*April 26th - No school for students; P.D. day for teachers. There is no Communion Practice. We will be practicing several times to get the 2nd graders ready for their big day!!

*We will be having Pop Tops Spirit Wear Out of Uniform every Thursday, starting with next Thursday (4/18), until the end of the year. Thanks so much for bringing in pop tops!!

*Have a wonderful day!!

Wednesday's Homework and Reminders (4-10-24)

Spelling - Backpack Page 42 and continue to study for Friday’s test.

Math - Flashcards and pages 127+128.

*Tomorrow - 2pm dismissal

*Have a wonderful day!!

Tuesday's Homework and Reminders (4-9-24)

Reading - Reread Backpack Page 41 aloud a few times.

Math - Flashcards and pages 125+126 (I know some of you didn't get back your sign-in sheet for the math flashcards. I have been out sick. They will be returned tomorrow.)

iReady - 15 minutes of Reading and 15 minutes of Math by Sunday evening please.

Communion - The Last Supper picture is due tomorrow.

Tomorrow - Sibling pictures

Thursday - 2pm dismissal

*Have a great day!!

Monday's Homework and Reminders (4-8-24)

Welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful break!!

Spelling - Backpack Page 40

Math - Flashcards and cut up and review the My Word Cards from Topic 9, Numbers to 1,000.

Communion - The Last Supper Picture is due by Wednesday.

Wednesday - Siblings Spring Pictures. Forms are due by tomorrow if you’re planning to take them.

Thursday - 2pm Dismissal.

*Have a great day!

Wednesday's Homework and Reminders (3-27-24)

Math - Flashcards

Communion - Chapter 6’s project is due by Wednesday, April 10th. Please use the paper provided and draw the Last Supper. At the top write, The Last Supper, neatly in marker. Carefully draw Jesus and the 12 disciples (no stick figures) in pencil and neatly color in with crayons or colored pencils.  Jesus should be in the middle and 6 disciples on each side. Write your name on the front bottom right hand corner

*Eclipse Permission Slip is due no later than tomorrow.

*Tomorrow - Wear baseball jersey/colors; 11:30 dismissal

*Wishing you and your family a wonderful Easter and relaxing Spring Break!!

Tuesday's Homework and Reminders (3-26-24)

Math - Flashcards

Communion - Chapter 6’s project is due by Wednesday, April 10th. Please use the paper provided and draw the Last Supper. At the top write, The Last Supper, neatly in marker. Carefully draw Jesus and the 12 disciples (no stick figures) in pencil and neatly color in with crayons or colored pencils.  Jesus should be in the middle and 6 disciples on each side. Write your name on the front bottom right hand corner

*If you haven’t handed in your Solar Eclipse permission form, please do so by Thursday.

*Tomorrow - Spirit Wear

*Thursday - Wear baseball jersey/colors; 11:30 dismissal

*Have a wonderful day!

Monday's Homework and Remidners (3-25-24)

Spelling - There will not be a Spelling test this week.

Math - Flashcards and study for tomorrow’s test on Time.

Communion - Chapter 6’s project is due by Wednesday, April 10th. Please use the paper provided and draw the Last Supper. At the top write the words, The Last Supper, neatly in marker. Carefully draw Jesus and the 12 disciples (no stick figures) in pencil and neatly color in with crayons or colored pencils.  Jesus should be in the middle and 6 disciples on each side. Write your name on the front bottom right hand corner

A permission slip is going home today to fill out if you give your child permission to watch the Solar Eclipse on April 8th with eclipse-safe glasses provided by the school. This is due by this Thursday.

Wednesday - Spirit Wear

Thursday - 11:30 dismissal and MLB Opening - Wear jersey/colors of favorite team. Solar Eclipse Permission Slip due.

Friday - No School - Enjoy your Spring Break!!

*Have a great day!

Thursday's Homework and Remiders (3-21-24)

Spelling - Backpack Page 38 and study for tomorrow’s test.

Math - Flashcards and study the review pages coming home. The red page and white vocabulary sheet are very similar to the test.  The test on Time will be on Tuesday. 

Communion - Chapter 6’s project is due by Wednesday, April 10th. Please use the paper provided and draw the Last Supper. At the top write, The Last Supper, neatly in marker. Carefully draw Jesus and the 12 disciples (no stick figures) in pencil and neatly color in with crayons or colored pencils.  Jesus should be in the middle and 6 disciples on each side. Write your name on the front bottom right hand corner

*Tomorrow - P.E. at Brooks (dress for the weather), Mothers’ Club Hot Lunch, and we will be seeing a preview of the school play, Frozen, Jr.

*Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday's Homework and Reminders (3-20-24)

Spelling - Backpack Page 37 and continue to study for Friday’s test.

Math - Flashcards and pages 123+124.

Communion - The last project, Chapter 6, is coming home today. Please use the paper provided and draw the Last Supper. At the top write, The Last Supper, neatly in marker. Carefully draw Jesus and the 12 disciples (no stick figures) in pencil and neatly color in with crayons or colored pencils.  Jesus should be in the middle and 6 disciples on each side. Write your name on the front bottom right hand corner. This is due by Wednesday, April 10th.

*Friday - P.E. at Brooks. Dress according to the weather. 

*Friday - Mothers’ Club Hot Lunch (Pizza)

*Have a great day!

Tuesday's Homework and Reminders (3-19-24)

Reading - Backpack page 36.

Math - Flashcards and pages 121+122.

Communion - Chapter 5 project is due tomorrow. Don't forget to add the string or strip of paper to make a loop at the top to hang on a door knob.

*Friday - Mothers’ Club Hot Lunch and P.E. is at Brooks Park. Dress for the weather.​

*Have a wonderful day!

Monday's Homework and Reminders (3-18-24)

Spelling - Backpack Page 35.

Math - Flashcards and pages 119+120. The Vocabulary Cards are coming home for Time. Please cut them up and practice them.

iReady - 15 minutes of Reading and 15 minutes of Math by Sunday evening please.

Communion - Chapter 5’s project is due Wednesday, 3/20. Write the Morning Prayer on the paper provided neatly in pencil first and trace over in a thin marker. The Morning Prayer is, God our Father, I offer you today all that I think and do and say. I offer it with what was done on earth by Jesus Christ your Son. Amen  

The prayer is also written on the attached paper. When finished, punch two holes at the top of the paper and tie yarn so that it can be hung on your bedroom door knob.  

Frozen Raffle Basket: This year the Fine Arts Association is raffling off a spectacular basket full of toys, games, books, and treats (plus 4 front-row tickets to the Saturday, 7:00 p.m. performance of Frozen, Jr. this weekend) to one lucky SJS student! Anna, Elsa, and Hans will be coming around during school this week to sell raffle tickets. Tickets are $1 for one, or $5 for 6. The winner will be chosen LIVE at our school preview performance on Friday afternoon. Thank you for supporting the FAA and the students in the cast and crew of Frozen, Jr!

PE students will be walking to and from Brooks Park for classes. All students have to wear their PE uniforms (long pants). Please check the weather on the days your child has PE. If it is going to be chilly, please send your child to school wearing a jacket and if necessary gloves and a hat. Please remind your child that they represent St. Juliana and they are expected to walk on the sidewalk and be respectful to community members at the park.

*Friday - Mothers’ Club Hot Lunch (Pizza)

*Have a great day!

Thursday's Homework and Reminders (3-15-24)

Spelling - Backpack Page 34 and study for tomorrow’s test.

Math - Flashcards and study the review pages from yesterday for the test on Money tomorrow. Practice counting coins.

iReady - 15 minutes of Reading and 15 minutes of Math by Sunday evening.

Communion - Chapter 5 project due on Wednesday. 

Tomorrow - Wear green and we are going to the Living Stations of the Cross at 2pm.

*Have a wonderful day!

*From Mrs. Stevens:

Next week the PE students will be walking to and from Brooks Park for classes. All students have to wear their PE uniforms (long pants). Please check the weather on the days your child has PE. If it is going to be chilly, please send your child to school wearing a jacket and if necessary gloves and a hat. Please remind your child that they represent St. Juliana and they are expected to walk on the sidewalk and be respectful to community members at the park.