Thursday's Homework

Spelling - Backpack Page 55 and the test is tomorrow.

Math - Flashcards and pages 151+152.

Religion - The book will be coming home to start studying for the Chapter 8 test that will be next  Wed. May 5th. Study the Chapter Review, Faith Words, highlighted parts, and take the pretest at You will be asked to write two ways that you can show you are sorry for sin.

*Spirit Wear - Monday and Tuesday, May 6th and 7th.

*Have a wonderful day!

Dear Families,


The 1st communion pictures are now posted! You can view them at


Put in your contact information

Click on the St. Juliana Folder 

Click on 1st Communion 2024 

Enjoy the pictures!

You can order prints of these pictures directly from the photographer using the above link. 

The group photo that was pre-ordered and prepaid will be delivered to school. We will send them home with your child when they come in.

Thank you so much.


Mary Petrash



Religious Education

St. Juliana