Blogs » Letters from a Pastor to His People

Letters from a Pastor to His People

Today we celebrate the Third Sunday of Lent. In the first reading from the book of Exodus we are reminded of God’s covenant with us. Seeing the suffering of Israel in Egypt, God picks Moses to go and tell the people the covenant is not exhausted. God will prevail. We are part of that covenant. God will save us, but we must also respond to God’s call. In the gospel, Jesus tells the people that we need to repent. We have to turn away from evil and follow God. He gives the example of the fig tree that after three years will not produce figs. The owner tells the caregiver to cut it down. The caregiver asks for one more year, before he has to destroy the tree. The owner relents and gives the caregiver and the tree one more year to produce. Is this the year given to us? Will are lives show repentance and light? Will we produce fruit under Jesus’ care?

Thanks to the Saint Juliana Fine Arts Association for another great spring production. Mean Girls, Jr. tells a tale of hurt, and redemption. It calls everyone to find their better self. It also calls us to be who God created us to be. The children and their advisors worked very hard to get ready for the play. We are blessed to have a vibrant fine arts program at Saint Juliana. Thanks to everyone who came to the shows over the weekend. Your support allows the Fine Arts Association to thrive!

This week the women of the parish had their spring day of reflection. Over fifty women participated in the retreat. The team worked hard for over six months to prepare the program. For those who participated it was another chance to reflect on their relationship with Jesus and share how that relationship has changed their lives.

This coming Saturday, March 29th, the men will host their day of reflection. You can still sign up by calling the parish office or talking with Deacon Tom Dombai. Thanks to the men and women who worked hard to give us these days of reflection.

Today we begin our first Scrutinies for the Elect who will be receiving the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil this year. The Cycle A readings will be used at the 9:30 AM Sunday liturgy for the next three weeks. You can find the QR code for these readings in the bulletin on page 4. Please pray for our Elect as they more fully enter into the Easter mystery.

Finally, in the back of church there is a basket with prayer petitions from our parishioners. I encourage those who are willing, to take a card from the basket and pray for that petition through the season of Lent. We are a family of faith who are strengthened when we pray for each other.