Academics and Student Life
Curriculum Overview
Faith and ReligionSacramental instruction is provided for Reconciliation and First Eucharist in second grade and Confirmation in seventh grade. Students in grades K–8 attend Mass together weekly and participate in the liturgical preparation and celebration.
Our T.E.A.M initiative, (Tenacity, Engagement, Achievement, Mastery) provides our students opportunities to strengthen our values at school, home and in our community through academic challenges, collaborative projects, community service and spiritual engagement. Students are divided into 28 different teams across all grade and work together to strengthen our school community and build relationships. We believe we achieve more together.
Technology & Digital CitizenshipReady access to our wide variety of technology tools, including our state-of-the-art STEAM lab, serves to increase student engagement, enhance learning and produce superior outcomes. Interactive SMART Boards are present in every classroom.
Younger students are introduced to the digital world through structured sessions in the lab, supplemented by classroom use of SMART Boards and iPads. Intermediate and upper grades apply lessons learned in the lab through the use of SMART Boards, and Chromebooks in their classrooms. |
Standardized Testingi-Ready is an online program that helps students in kindergarten through eighth grade improve their reading and math skills. It uses a diagnostic test to identify a student’s needs and then provides personalized instruction. I-Ready also helps teachers plan instruction, set goals, and monitor student progress. Students take three diagnostic tests throughout the school year. |
Home & School ConnectionThe Parent Portal is your window to all that's happening with your student and the school. Our faculty regularly communicates homework and class activities via their classroom blogs, SeeSaw, or class emails. Parents are encouraged to subscribe to automatic email updates. Parents can follow students' individual academic and behavioral progress online through the privacy and security of PowerSchool. We maintain an active presence on Facebook and Instagram, too. |
English & Language Arts
Reading, writing, speaking and listening are central components to all learning and fall under the core language arts curriculum. Learning how to think logically, critically and creatively, and searching for, organizing and evaluating information are skills critical to student success.
Grammar & Vocabulary Series
Accelerated Reader
Students learn best when they solve meaningful problems rooted in real life. Our math programs actively engage students in both hands-on and minds-on activities involving manipulatives, math games and appropriate technology, providing opportunities for students to explore, analyze and apply knowledge.
enVision Mathematics
IXL Math
Science & Social Studies
Children are born with an innate curiosity about their surroundings–the people, places and things of their world. By fostering the desire to explore, explain, inquire and discover we nurture and guide students to an understanding of the natural world and its people.
Digital Citizenship & Technology
Technology brings both great rewards and risks to our lives and we're committed to ensuring our students are educated, responsible digital citizens. Introduction to age-appropriate themes begins in preschool and continues through junior high.
To support student development across all platforms and devices, every classroom offers multiple Ethernet drops and a dedicated Wi-Fi access point; common areas are similarly equipped. Interactive SMART Boards and desktop computers are in classrooms, in addition to a full technology lab, plus mini-labs in the media center, learning resource and extended care classrooms. Mobile carts of iPads, Chromebooks and Windows netbooks enable 1:1 classroom instruction.
Common Sense Media
Everfi - Digital Literacy & Responsibility™
Vault - Understanding Money™