SVdP: SOUPer Bowl Food Drive

The Saint Vincent de Paul Society hosts its annual Mary Berg “Soup”-er Bowl Drive at all Masses the weekend of February 8th and 9th. We will be collecting non-perishable food items before and after all Masses. Monetary donations will also be accepted—ash or checks (payable to Saint Vincent de Paul Society).  All donations will be given to Catholic Charities.

Along with your own choices, and of course super-soups and canned goods, here are some words of wisdom from a food pantry volunteer:  Powdered or shelf-stable boxed milk is needed with cereal, pudding mixes, mac-n-cheese, Pasta-Roni, etc.; tuna is a good addition with pasta item, also tuna and crackers makes a good lunch; pop-top cans are very convenient (or donate a can opener!); cooking oil is a luxury; everyone loves Stove-Top Stuffing; salt, pepper and other spices, along with sugar, flour, coffee, tea, are real treats, as are cookies and dessert items; cake mix and frosting make birthday celebrations possible!

As always, your consideration and generosity are greatly appreciated as we help those in need during these winter months!