Friendship Club Christmas Party

Friendship Club Christmas Party

The St. Juliana Friendship Club is sponsoring a Christmas Luncheon on Thursday, December 5th at The Fairway, 6700 Howard Street, Niles.  The meal features London Broil and Chicken Francaise.  There will be a Cash Bar and entertainment by the female duet Sweet Reminder.  Tickets are $60 per person.  Please call Betty Cieplik at 773-631-5749 or the Parish Office at 773-631-4127 for reservations.  The luncheon is open to all, Friendship Club member or not.  Payment is due by November 14th. 

The Missionary Spirit Team has asked the club to collect wrapped Christmas presents for underprivileged children ages 2-14 and we ask for your participation.  You can bring your gift to our November 14th meeting, or to our Christmas Luncheon on December 5th.  Please mark your wrapped gift as for a boy or girl and suggested age (2 to 14).  Please contact Diane Laske, at 773-218-4425 with any questions.

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